Below, you will see information about the range of saddles that BALANCE designed and had made for them over 30 years. BALANCE no longer sells saddles, but you can look at the information about the way each saddle was designed and why it has those features. There are thousands of BALANCE saddles still circulating around the world and helping horses to be comfortable and sound, when used correctly, including saddles that were made over 25 years ago and still in good condition. Most of the saddles shown below are still being manufactured by the same saddle makers has have been making them for many years for BALANCE, and available from THV Saddling Ltd. From February 1st 2025, if you want to buy any of these products, you will need to make contact with THV Saddling Ltd via via their Facebook Page as the website is not available at the moment. THV Saddling Ltd. Facebook Page
The Zenith model was designed 25 years ago. It is the original BALANCE saddle model. As popular and versatile as ever. Please note that as from the 1st August 2023, this range of saddles will be available from 'The Horse's Voice Saddling Ltd' via the TEAM of BALANCE trained, Functional Saddling consultants.
The BALANCE Felix saddle has all the same great features found in the BALANCE Zenith model, with the exception of the panels. Please note that as from the 1st August 2023, this range of saddles will be available from 'The Horse's Voice Saddling Ltd' via the TEAM of BALANCE trained, Functional Saddling consultants.
This BALANCE model has all the wonderful, horse-friendly features found in the Felix BALANCE model, with the exception of one of the features of the tree. Please note that as from the 1st August 2023, this range of saddles will be available from 'The Horse's Voice Saddling Ltd' via the TEAM of BALANCE trained, Functional Saddling consultants.
The Nexus saddles are built on a tree that has some different features to the BALANCE tree that forms the foundation for our Zenith, Felix and Matrix models. Designed to provide an alternative feel and therefore more choice for horse and rider, without compromise to the horse. Please note that as from the 1st August 2023, this range of saddles will be available from 'The Horse's Voice Saddling Ltd' via the TEAM of BALANCE trained, Functional Saddling consultants.
The Equinox saddles offer a mid-priced range of BALANCE saddles for horse owners. This range of saddles is available from The BALANCE Saddle Company Ltd. via our trained and registered Saddling Consultants, or direct from BALANCE HQ.
BALANCE Xtreme Saddles are designed to support riders who need more structure on their side of the saddle than other BALANCE Models. Please note that as from the 1st August 2023, this range of saddles will be available from 'The Horse's Voice Saddling Ltd' via the TEAM of BALANCE trained, Functional Saddling consultants.
The BALANCE Wren saddle is available for small children and ponies, to give them the same level as comfort as adult riders and horses.