Saddle Checks & help for those who have previously bought BALANCE saddles
Lecture-Demos and Workshops/Courses/Clinics
Training others in Functional Saddling.
Coaching & Support for those helping their horses through a Remedial Process
Online coaching for remedial work and riding
Follow up support using Skype/Facetime/Videos and phone calls
I am working to build a supply of stock BALANCE saddles that can be rented out for use during remedial periods when the horse is not ready to choose a long-term saddle.
Areas Covered
Holland, Belgium, Southwest Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, Northern Spain and Portugal.
I met BALANCE Co-Founder Carol Brett for the very first time in 1992 and started as a BALANCE registered Saddle Consultant in 1996. I spent a lot of time with Carol during her trips to Switzerland and also spent extensive time over the years training with both BALANCE Co-Founders in Functional Riding & Training on a regular basis.
Equestrian Experience
As a rider, I received a lot of training from Mr Petrus Kastenman of Sweden, Carol Brett and Lesley Taylor of The BALANCE Organisation (studying Functional Riding & Training as well as Saddling). All 3 have been very important to me as a rider. I have competed up to Intermediate Level Eventing in Sweden.
Kate, France
"Birgitta is an exceptional saddle consultant. Her knowledge and understanding of not only the products but also of the horse, his biomechanics, movement and correct development are second to none. Having a saddle consultation with Birgitta is like no other saddle fitting I have ever had. I learnt so much from the time she spent with me and have continued to learn with every visit she makes to see me and my horse Max. I am so happy to have discovered BALANCE saddles but also feel so lucky to have Birgitta based so close to me so I can pick her brains and gain from her advice as often as I like. I would (and do) recommend Birgitta to anyone. Being an Equine Osteopath I really value the knowledge that Birgitta has and I love being able to work with her and my clients together."
Lilly, Daniela & Buddy
Daniela, Switzerland
"Birgitta is always so much aware of the horse and creates a direct bond to him/her. And she is very patient with the owner. She knows how much she can teach the owner for the moment to make it work without overloading him/her. If the rider has difficulties to understand she finds simple examples to eventually get the rider to where he/she gets the idea how it should feel. She has a logical and simple answer for every question. And she has got the patience of the Universe! Birgitta lives her passion, it is her dedication to help people helping horses with what she has been learning from Balance and experiencing through her work in the past 20 years. She is a wonderful person!"
Sandra & Domino
Birgitta lernte ich 2008 an einem Balance-Sattelcheck in Bremgarten kennen. Mein Pferd Domino war damals total verstört und rannte unter dem Reiter weg. Ich hatte mir einen Westernsattel verkaufen lassen, der mein Pferd an den Schultern sehr einschränkte. Nach den ersten Minuten im Schritt im Balance Zenith Sattel wurde mein Pferd langsamer, atmete besser und fing sich sichtlich an zu entspannen. Diesen Moment vergesse ich nie. Birgitta hat die ganze Geschichte fotografisch dokumentiert, schon nach wenigen Monaten entwickelte Domino sich prächtig. Heute ist Domino 25 Jahre alt, sieht toll aus und ist immer noch topfit. Dies schreibe ich unter anderem auch dem Sattelsystem von Balance International zu.
Birgitta Bergsten ist eine äusserst kompetente, freundliche und zuvorkommende Pferdefachfrau. In den vergangen elf Jahren habe Ich Sie mehreren Bekannten von mir weiterempfohlen und jede von Ihnen wurde von Birgitta dort abgeholt, wo Sie mit ihrem reiterlichen Können stand. Birgittas grosses Wissen über Anatomie und ihr Geschick im Umgang mit Pferden und Menschen hat mich sehr beeindruckt. Ich bin sehr dankbar, Birgitta kennengelernt zu haben und schätze ihre Unterstützung auf meiner „Reise“ sehr. Ich hoffe, Birgitta bleibt noch lange in dieser Funktion tätig und freue mich auf das nächste Wiedersehen. Danke Birgitta!
Sandra & Domino
Sandra (Google Translation)
I met Birgitta in 2008 at a balance saddle check in Bremgarten. My horse Domino was totally disturbed at that time and ran away under the rider. I had a western saddle sold, which severely restricted my horse's shoulders. After the first few minutes of walking in the Balance Zenith saddle my horse slowed down, breathed better and visibly began to relax. I never forget that moment. Birgitta has documented the whole story photographically, after only a few months Domino developed magnificently. Today Domino is 25 years old, looks great and is still fit. Among other things, I attribute this to the saddle system from Balance International.
Birgitta Bergsten is a very competent, friendly and obliging horsewoman. In the past eleven years I have recommended you to several acquaintances of mine and each one of them was picked up by Birgitta where she stood with her riding skills. Birgitta's great knowledge of anatomy and her skill in dealing with horses and humans impressed me greatly. I am very grateful to have met Birgitta and very much appreciate her support on my "journey". I hope Birgitta stays in this role for a long time and looks forward to the next reunion. Thank you Birgitta!
Monika, Switzerland
Ich arbeite seit
ca. 25 Jahren im Bereich Passformprüfungen und Beratung im Bereich Sättel und
Ausrüstung für den Reitsport. Immer
wieder einmal wurden mir Sättel von Balance vorgestellt bei denen ich die
Passform überprüfen sollte.
Ich war immer
wieder sehr positive überrascht wie gut einige Sättel zum Pferd gepasst haben.
In allen diesen
Fällen hat sich herausgestellt, dass Birgitta Bergsten diese Sättel empfohlen
und angepasst hatte.
Darum empfehle ich das Balance- Sattelkonzept und die Leistung von Birgitta Bergsten gerne meinen Kunden die eine Empfehlung für die Sattelauswahl wünschen.
Monika (GoogleTranslation)
I've been working
for about 25 years in the field of fit tests and advice in the field of saddles
and equipment for equestrian sports.
Again and again I
have been presented Balance Saddles in which I should check the fit. I was
always very positive surprised how well some saddles fit the horse.
In all these cases
it has been found that Birgitta Bergsten had recommended and adjusted these
That's why I like to recommend the balance saddle concept and the performance of Birgitta Bergsten to my customers who want a recommendation for the saddle selection.
Being able to move in a powerful, balanced and engaged way, without restriction or discomfort, is every horse’s birth-right and essential in order for him to be able to carry the unnatural weight of a rider, without doing harm to himself.