I have now had my Zenith for two years and it is awesome. I can't tell you how much the saddle has helped my horse and improved my riding.
My dressage horse was retired at ten years old because he had some kissing spine, was rearing all the time and had become dangerous. He had also lost his sweet disposition.
In the first six years that I had owned him, I went through ten different saddles and never found one that was satisfactory. I also found that the biggest farce in the saddle industry is the "custom" made saddle.
My Zenith saddle has made such a difference. My horse is sound and going well with a wonderful freedom of movement. He has stopped rearing and his old personality is emerging again.
I have become a much better rider with the Zenith because I not only can feel my horse now but I am not depending on a ridiculously deep seat and huge thigh blocks to hold my position for me. I could not be happier.